A lot happened in my life during the time of my absence. Holidays passed. Babies were born. Tacos were eaten. If I could account for every story from this last month, I could be writing this entry for years (which makes little sense considering I would be giving information from a month's time, but I would do it just to spite those who doubt me). However, to save anyone the pain, I will detail my hiatus in pictures.
1. CHRISTMAS. Remember Christmas? You know, babyjesusCHRISTmas?! Well, Chick-fil-a sure did.
Above is a window mural from Waco's own Chick-fil-a back in December. If you look closely, you will see Santa Clause kneeling before the baby Jesus. You may not remember this scene in the nativity story if you were raised in most Christian homes, but this happened roughly between the arrival of the shepherds and the destruction of the dinosaurs. It's a history we don't much like to talk about, but Chick-fil-a is leading us in bravery once again.
2. Daniel came to visit over Christmas break.
Isn't he dreamy? Apparently Daniel is allergic to the entire city of San Antonio, but you would never know with his sunny disposition (see above picture).
3. Last month I legitimately thought these glasses looked good on me and considered buying them.
I think I literally found these in a section called "Senior". I was pretty jazzed about them until Johanna made some kind of Golden Girls reference.
There were better pictures of Estelle Getty wearing her glasses, but this one just spoke to me. Anyway, thank you for being a friend, Johanna.
Apart from all of that, not much has happened. I started my classes (which I will detail in a later entry) and I am participating in something at Baylor called SING (which I will DEFINITELY detail in a later entry for those of you who don't know what SING is. In the meantime, just imagine frat boys and sequins and you've almost got it).
So I guess we're all caught up then. Please forgive me for our time apart. As a symbol of my sincerest apologies, please accept this YouTube video from the great American classic, My Little Pony: The Movie (1986).
But before you take a gander at this cinematic gem, let me know how your last month was. That way, I can determine which of us won the breakup (just a warning, it's probably me).